Priya George

Integrative Coach and Therapist

I am on a quest to help those who seek help and
bring about valuable change in and around them.
Integrative Coaching and Therapy provides a fresh perspective and resolution on an issue.  It also promotes one’s self-esteem, relationships, and outlook on life. It gives individuals  a better understanding of themselves.

Clarity Call

Family Constellation

Systemic Resolution

Family Constellations is a therapeutic approach designed to help reveal the hidden dynamics and stressors that impact family or relationships. This process has the power to shift and heal suffering and unhappiness that has been carried unconsciously over several generations. It can help break destructive family patterns of unhappiness, illness, failure and addiction. The results are often immediate and life-changing.

Clarity Call

Integrative Coaching and Therapy

Strategic Healing

Coaching focus on achieving goals through strategizing them. Very often it hinders the process of growth as we get stuck with personal issues. Using therapy as an intervention promotes overall wellbeing and growth with ease.

Clarity Call


Therapy is For Everyone

Potential for Growth

We all go through a range of emotions on a daily basis. And while pleasant emotions are welcomed to stay, it is the unpleasant ones that can cause the problem if they stay with us for longer than needed. They impact our capabilities and mar our growth. That’s where therapy comes in the picture.

A common belief about therapy is that only the emotionally weak or mentally disturbed people need it. In the past, this has prevented many to access it and improve their lives. But thankfully, it has changed today. Now, many persons harnessing the growth mindset have reached out to seek professional support. These include sports and movie celebrities, entrepreneurs, marketing executives, top level management, students, home makers, parents, etc.

One session keeping an open mind and you can naturally experience the upsides of therapy. The process is clearly panned out, completely confidential and unique for each individual.

Psychosomatic Aches and Pains

The term ‘psychosomatic’ is the relationship between the mind and the body.

These are when your mental and emotional stress begins to drain you out and make you physically sick. Some common psychosomatic pains are stomach pain, headache, fatigue, chest pain, back pain, breathing problems, lack of concentration, etc. Therapy helps in getting rid of the emotional stress that cause you physical pains.

Generational Trauma Healing

Certain psychological traumas get transferred to the next generations. It could be a decades old stress that may be affecting you. Your DNA carries it. It impacts the future generation’s ability to realise it, deal with it, and heal from it. Therapy works on digging out that trauma from your DNA which perhaps you aren’t even aware of. It is amazing how treating that can transform the way you treat your problems.

Addiction and Habit Disorder

Do you smoke or drink excessively? Are you into gambling or gaming? Are you a shopaholic? Is cleaning your fetish?

Whether it is substance abuse, or a peculiar characteristic behavior, or a recurring habit, an addiction of any kind indicates a serious emotional illness. Your therapist will, non-judgingly, help you come out of it to lead a normal and successful life.

Inner Child Therapy

It doesn’t matter how big or small, most of us have experienced some sort of trauma as children.
These traumas may vary from having your favorite stuffed toy thrown in the trash, to being abandoned by your best childhood friend, to being physically or emotionally abused by someone you know. Inner child work is a vital component of the self awareness journey because it reconnects us with a wounded element of ourselves: the child within. When we reconnect with this fragmented part of ourselves, we can begin to discover the root of many of our fears, phobias, insecurities, and sabotaging life patterns. This is where true healing and liberation happens!

Services Offered

Therapy Consultations

Depending on your profile and the challenge that you are facing, you can choose from the following services. Each service will be custom-drafted to suit your needs and goals.


Personal Therapy

Personal Therapy: targeted at the individual’s well-being, personal therapy by definition is a joint process between the therapist and the person in therapy. Here, the individual will have a safe and trusting environment to share their worries, problems and issues. The therapist will help the individual overcome these hindrances impacting their well-being.

Family Constellations

Family Constellations: unlike personal therapy, this service involves the entire family. Targeted at the family’s interpersonal relationship, this therapy works on the hidden dynamics in a family and reveals the stress factors impacting the relationships within the family. The therapist provides the relevant tools to work with and help unleash the problem area.


Coaching: this is a one-on-one therapeutic approach wherein the therapist works closely with the individual on helping them achieve their specific goals. These goals could be personal or professional in nature. For example, increasing self awareness and motivation, or improve workplace cognition and leadership skills, or enhanced listening skills, social skills and empathy, or any other. A set of training and exercises are used to work on the set goals.

Corporate Workshop

Corporate Workshop: this is a group therapy program targeted at achieving holistic wellness of mind, body, spirit and emotion. The therapist facilitates workshops that will help bring all the four in sync. It leaves the individuals with a heightened sense of achievement for self, as well as provide a boost to interpersonal relationships at work.

Simple Process

How Does it Work?

Since each individual is unique, the problem areas and respective solutions to each are also unique. Your therapy or coaching plan will be personalized for your benefit.

Step 1:

You share with me the challenges you are facing, the problem areas that are bothering you, the potential hindrances in your personal and professional growth, the stressors that keep distracting you from achieving your goals, the dilemmas muzzling your mind thus impacting your capabilities, and anything else that needs to be addressed.

Step 2:

Based on the points you share in Step 1, I will create a therapy plan completely tailored according to your needs.

Questions patients ask

Frequent Questions

Whether you know it for sure or you are in doubt, here are some commonly raised questions regarding therapy that will help you get better clarity.

Q. How do I know when it is time to get support?

A. If a matter has been bothering you for quite some time and your efforts in fixing it right haven’t been effective, that’s an indication that professional help is required.

Q. How long does therapy last?

A. Therapy is not a painkiller that gives results in twenty minutes. It is a dedicated, personalized and detailed process which not just helps in diagnosing and getting rid of the problem, but also ensures a holistic recovery of the mind, body and soul. Therefore, the duration entirely depends on the gravity of the problem. It could be as less as a month or as long as a year.

Q. How long does therapy last?

A. Therapy is not a painkiller that gives results in twenty minutes. It is a dedicated, personalized and detailed process which not just helps in diagnosing and getting rid of the problem, but also ensures a holistic recovery of the mind, body and soul. Therefore, the duration entirely depends on the gravity of the problem. It could be as less as a month or as long as a year.

Q. What is Metaphor Therapy?

Metaphor therapy is a kind of analysis that uses metaphor as a tool to help people express their experiences in imagery views. As a natural product of progressions within the mind involving both the conscious and subconscious of the person, metaphor is an important cathartic tool for exploring personal meaning, important to insight-oriented therapy.

Q. What type of therapy is offered?

A. Personal therapy, family constellations, one on one coaching and corporate workshop

Q. What is personal therapy?

A. Targeted at the individual’s well-being, personal therapy by definition is a joint process between the therapist and the person in therapy. Here, the individual will have a safe and trusting environment to share their worries, problems and issues. The therapist will help the individual overcome these hindrances impacting their well-being.

Q. What is family constellation?

This therapy works on the hidden dynamics in a family and reveals the stress factors impacting the relationships at personal and professional level. Family Constellation attempts to expose an unrecognized dynamic that spans multiple generations in a given family and to resolve the harmful effects of that dynamic by encouraging the subject, through one-on-one or group(representations), to encounter and accept the factual reality of the past. Also lighten the individual, by realigning to your rightful position and role.

Q. How does therapy help?

A. Therapy by definition is a treatment carried out to heal a mental or emotional disorder. The therapist is trained to be sensitive towards the problem and have a non-judging approach. They provide a perspective which tells the individual that their problem can be resolved. This affirmation causes a positive impact on the individual’s behavior thereby positively impacting their personal life, relationships, professional life, etc. Therapy helps in the holistic enhancement of life.

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The Rabbit Listened

Book by Cori Doerrfeld

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A moving and universal picture book about empathy and kindness, sure to soothe heartaches big and small—now a New York Times bestseller When something sad happens, Taylor doesn’t know where to turn. All the animals are sure they have the answer. The chicken wants to talk it out, but Taylor doesn’t feel like chatting.

My Biography

About Me

Even before thinking of being a therapist, I have always had a deep interest in people and what drives them. Being a keen listener and giving objective advice to those who ask has been my thing.

My journey in integrative therapy began 10 years ago; it was the profound experiences following the death of my dear mother that led me to explore alternative healing therapies. It began by delving into hypnotherapy, which, till today, remains a core strength.

Over the years, I explored various other healing modalities that include Metaphor therapy, Core Transformation, Aura reading, Past life regression, Coaching and Family Constellation.

As a therapist, I have come across many heartbroken, emotionally shaken and mentally week individuals. But I pride in sharing that I have seen them all leave my office with boosted morale and a new zest for life. And that is the magic of therapy!

You are just a phone call away from a better version of you!

Fill in your details in the form below and let me call you back. Talking won’t cost you anything. And who knows, it may change your life for good!

What our customers say

Client Testimonials

“It is not easy to describe what one goes through during a counseling and hypnotherapy session but let me do my best at putting them out in words. I have generally been a free spirited person but these sessions taught me that i can be even more happier and free spirited. An immense feeling of burden being lifted off your shoulders is how i can describe what happened to me during these sessions. The pleasure of letting go something i had held on to for a long time but needed to be let go began here and ever since it has been an even better life. Always knew and believed life is beautiful but these sessions seemed to show me that even more closely. Have experienced a genuine feeling of content and a feeling of lightheartedness and whats best is that it continues to stay so. Along with happiness have also felt extremely secure and pampered during these sessions which i believe all of us crave for. It helped me venture into some of my past that I had shut myself out and most importantly headlong and with courage to face it, and that sure made me feel very elated. It brings out some of our best traits and opens out to you the potential that is till then pretty much latent within you, to be able to live and feel loved and enjoy every moment of your existence and most importantly to brave what has happened and what may happen without an ounce of fear.”

Therapy is stepping stone to abundance of happiness and prosperity